Staff at Oxford’s hospitals were given the wrong advice about self-isolating, it has been claimed.

A screenshot of a section of a letter reportedly sent to Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUH) staff this week was shared anonymously with the paper by a person who said they were ‘concerned’ that the advice was different to the official government position.

It shows doctors and nurses were advised they could work even if someone else in their home had symptoms of coronavirus – despite official guidance being that their household should self-isolate for 14 days if anyone shows signs of the symptoms.

The document said: “Concern following the announcement on Monday from Boris Johnson that people should self-isolate for 14 not seven days, if they have symptoms.

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“The trust stance remains that it is seven day isolation and still come to work, if someone on your house has symptoms, but you are symptom free. Day one is when you symptoms start.”

It comes after other NHS trusts were reported to have sent similar notes to staff before retracting them. The Independent on Wednesday shared Worcestershire Acute Hospital, Calderdale and Huddersfield Trust, as well as South Tyneside and Sunderland Trust had all sent messages with the same advice.

An OUH spokesperson said: “We don’t comment on anonymous submissions of information, however can confirm that the trust is following national guidance around self-isolation for our staff.”