A MARCH between two football stadiums in aid of charity will still take place - despite the game being postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak.

The march is set to take place this Saturday when four fans will walk from the Kassam Stadium to Adams Park in Wycombe.

Oxford United fans Daniel Webb, Harry Griffiths, Shaun Stevenson and Sidney Ponting are preparing for the 25 mile stretch, in aid of Prostate Cancer UK.

So far, the group has raised almost £1,000.

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Banbury based sales advisor Mr Webb, 30, confirmed that the group would be taking part in the walk.

Mr Webb said: “We’re still going to do the walk regardless of the coronavirus situation and the postponements.

“I’ve lost a few family members and so have people in the groups so that’s our motivation to do this.

“I reached out to supporters groups on Facebook and spoke to people in the ground on matchday, and started planning in mid-December.

“Oxford United has really supported us by giving us free tickets for the game and published about it in the matchday programmes.

“We’ve all been attending the gym to prepare for what will be quite a lot of walking.”

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Mr Webb estimates that the walk will take between seven and a half to nine hours.

The group will leave the Kassam at 2am to allow a headstart on motorists on A and B roads.

“I’m looking forward to achieving something together,” said Mr Webb.

“We originally didn’t know each other and met through the Facebook groups and have made new friends through this.”

Mr Webb has supported the U’s since he was four-years-old and had a season ticket until he was 17.

Currently, elite level football in England is postponed until at least Friday, April 3.

To donate, visit: justgiving.com/fundraising/daniel-webb25