A PRIVATE school near Banbury has been told that a British family, connected with the school, has tested positive for the coronavirus.

The family is connected with Bloxham School and have been in self-isolation since being informed that they unknowingly had contact with an infectious person during half term.

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The school says the family have very little or no symptoms.

Working with Public Health England, Bloxham School remains open and says it is keeping a 'business as usual' approach.

Pupils and staff in the boarding house and friendship groups with the infected student have begun immediate self-isolation.

The school says they will not return to school until after Saturday, March 21.

External events will be cancelled until and including Saturday, March 21 to ensure the safety of students and those of other schools.

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Headmaster, Paul Sanderson, said: “Working with Public Health England, we have developed a plan that will keep our school community safe.

"We have a duty of care to look after our pupils and staff and know that our parents understand the measures being taken at this unprecedented time. We will continue to follow the advice of health officials and will keep our school community updated."