HEALTH minister Nadine Dorries has become the first MP to test positive for coronavirus.

The Times' deputy political editor, Steven Swinford, who broke the story this evening, tweeted: "She has been in Westminster for past week, met hundreds of people, and attended a No 10 reception hosted by Boris Johnson on Thursday."

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He added that the MP was recovering and officials are now 'in process of attempting to identify all the people Nadine Dorries has been in contact with over the past week - including MPs'. 

In a statement the MP, who represents Mid Bedfordshire, confirmed the diagnosis, saying: "I can confirm I have tested positive for Coronavirus.

"As soon as I was informed I took all the advised precautions and have been self isolating at home.

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"Public Health England has started detailed contact tracing and the department and my parliamentary office are closely following their advice."

She added: "I would like to thank PHE and the wonderful NHS staff who have provided me with advice and support."

Health secretary Matt Hancock tweeted his support for his Conservative colleague, writing: "Really sorry to hear Nadine has tested positive for coronavirus.

"She has done the right thing by self isolating at home, and both NHS and PHE staff have been brilliant. We all wish her well as she recovers.

"I understand why people are worried about this disease. We will do all we can to keep people safe, based on the best possible science."