A TOTAL of 16 local charities and good causes are set to benefit from a £50,000 community bursary set up by Blenheim Palace.

The bursary, which was launched at the end of 2017, is available to all charities and organisations based within a 20-mile radius of the Woodstock-based World Heritage Site.

This year’s grants focused on five main areas; Wellbeing and Outdoor Activities, Social Prescribing in the Community, Creation of Green Spaces for Leisure Activities, Collaborative Communal Projects, and Community Infrastructure Support.

Among the groups set to receive funds, ranging from £500 to £5,000, are FarmAbility, Oxfordshire Youth, Stonesfield Allotments, Sustainable Woodstock, Forrest Bathing and West Witney Primary School.

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Stephanie Duncan, Blenheim’s communications director, said: “We’re proud to be able to provide funding to local charities and community projects which support and enhance our community.

Oxford Mail:

“This year we sought to better support charities and local groups following feedback from a Community First Study, who ran workshops and surveys to find out what people wanted and needed to improve their lives and strengthen their communities. As a result, we have selected 16 worthy organisations.”

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For further information on the Blenheim Bursary visit blenheim.org/bursary.