ALMOST two thirds of people in south east England have tried to kick the habit of smoking in the last year.

According to market research by a company selling a new alternative to vaping, 68 per cent of smokers/vapers in the south east - including Oxfordshire - tried to kick the habit in 2019 and failed

And 27 per cent of smokers and vapers admit they are no longer planning to give up because it is too hard

The news comes after Oxfordshire County Council announced it would be taking steps towards becoming England's first 'Smoke-Free' county by 2025 at the end of last month.

Discussion of making England a smoke-free country by 2030 in parliament has centred around the idea of finding safer alternatives to the habit.

READ AGAIN: Oxfordshire could become England's first 'smoke-free' county

But there has been criticism of tobacco firms lobbying on behalf of vaping to continue making money.

Alex Hearn, inventor of smoking and vaping alternative Voke, whose company carried out the research, believes his new product is part of the answer to cutting the number of smokers.

He said: “Smoking is highly addictive, yet the anti-social aspect combined with its health implications, cost and the sheer inconvenience re fuel this cycle of trying and failing which many smokers are trapped within.”

He added: “To end multiple failed attempts and to make quitting a more manageable task, support for smokers is essential. There are several networks and products on the market that can help smokers to gradually give up the habit, it’s just about finding the right one.”