PLANS to stop fossil fuel emitting cars from entering Oxford City Centre are currently open for public opinions.

A formal consultation on the first stage Oxford City Council's Zero Emissions Zone opened today.

The first stage of the scheme is known as the Red Zone, and covers a series of streets in the centre of the city, including Cornmarket Street, Queen Street, Ships Street, St Michael's Street and New Inn Hall Street.

An informal consultation took place in January and the scheme as it stands will begin with a 'soft' rollout in December this year.

Fossil fuel vehicles will initially have to pay a £10 charge, rising to £20 from August 2025

There will be exemptions for businesses registered in the Red Zone until July 2025, followed by a discount until July 2030.

READ AGAIN: Oxford Zero emissions zone could be in place by end of 2020

A 90 per cent discount for residents living in the zone will apply until July 2030.

Buses and Oxford licensed Hackney Carriages which drive within the planned Zero Emission have already agreed timelines for zero emissions fleets across Oxford and will not be subject to charges.

The final, formal consultation is now available for members of the public to take part in.

Residents can give their opinion on the ZEZ until April 15 by visiting

Hard copies of the plans can be seen at Oxfordshire County Hall.

The council intends to expand the scheme to larger areas of the city in the future until the ZEZ covers all of Oxford.