A MAN who stabbed his brother and attacked his mother during a row in a kitchen has denied intending to cause serious harm.

From the witness box the knifing victim claimed that his brother Sheldon Gallacher had felt 'betrayed' after an earlier row, and then grabbed two blades.

The 25-year-old of Craufurd Road, Oxford, has already admitted one count of wounding of his brother and another of assault occasioning actual bodily harm against his mother.

Gallacher denies a more serious charge of wounding with intent and his trial for that count began at Oxford Crown Court today.

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Outlining the case to a jury of six men and six women prosecutor Jonathan Sank said the violence took place at a house on Stowford Road, Oxford, on September 2 last year.

He told jurors that as a result of the stab wound to the shoulder Gallacher left his brother Kasey Thompson with a collapsed lung and in hospital for two days.

Recalling the incident from the witness box Mr Thompson said he had 'dozed off' at his home that night when he heard 'a load of shouting.'

He said his mother Marie Thompson called the police who arrived before later leaving the Barton address.

He told jurors that soon after he heard his brother Gallacher shouting from the downstairs kitchen and heard words including 'snitch' and 'whore.'

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He said: "Because my mum phoned the police on him I think he felt betrayed.

"[He was] calling her a whore and the 'c word', a 'grass' a 'snitch' that sort of thing.

"I thought it was disrespectful, I went to try and calm the situation down."

Mr Thompson said that he told his brother to calm down and to apologise but Gallacher then 'got angry.'

He told jurors that Gallacher began 'jumping up and shouting' before going to a knife drawer and arming himself with two blades.

Mr Thompson said he believed one knife was a 'curved cheese knife' but he didn't see the second.

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He added: "He was angry, he had one [knife] in each hand and he was making threats, he was saying he would stab me and my mum and everyone in the house, but I didn't think he was serious at first."

He said his mother then came between them and not long after Gallacher stabbed him in the shoulder, which he said he felt was a punch before he saw blood.

Gallacher also assaulted his mother, the court heard, before he fled the house and was later caught by police.

Prosecutors told jurors that after Gallacher was arrested he claimed he had stabbed Mr Thompson in self defence.

Mr Sank said: "He said he was attacked by Kasey Thompson, that he had a knife and he picked up another knife to defend himself, that he swung out to defend himself, that he didn't know he had stabbed him and that had not been his intention."

The trial continues.