CONSTRUCTION has only just started but Oxford's new Swan School is already on the map - albeit in the wrong place.

The secondary school, which is due to open in September, now has a location pin on Google Maps.

It is not at The Harlow Centre in Marston, however, where the permanent site will be built, nor at the school's temporary site, at The Cherwell School in Summertown.

Instead the school, according to Google, is apparently located at a terraced house in Wren Road, Cutteslowe - almost two miles away from the site itself.

Oxford Mail:

'Swan School' shown on Google Maps

The confusion could be because the River Learning Trust, which will run the Swan School, is based at Cutteslowe Primary School just around the corner from the house.

ALSO READ: Building work starts at the Swan School in Marston

A spokesman for River Learning Trust said: "RLT is happy to confirm that The Swan School will not be based in someone's garden in North Oxford.

"Parents of Swan applicants should be reassured that the school will be based more appropriately in high-class modular buildings next to Cherwell School while its world-class facilities at Marston are built."

Many place labels on Google appear using algorithms but businesses can apply for a location pin by submitting their address details, which Google will verify.

Location markers that appear incorrectly can be amended via the 'suggest an edit' link on Google Maps, but corrections can take weeks or even months to process.

On Monday a digger rolled into the actual Swan School site, off Marston Ferry Road, to start clearing the way for the access road.

ALSO READ: Swan School oversubscribed as temporary base approved

A new construction timetable on the project website,, reveals that work on the actual building will likely not start until May.

Oxford Mail:

Swan School build timetable as shown on