A shopkeeper has described the terrifying moment two armed robbers burst into an Oxford corner shop and raided the till.

Two robbers, one brandishing a knife and the other holding a gun, robbed Balfour News in Cherwell Drive, Headington, on Saturday morning.

Supervisor Sunny Patel, 21, was in the office when frightened customers banged on his door and pointed towards the robbers.

Watching the drama unfold on the shop's CCTV cameras, he saw the two masked men threatening a frightened shopkeeper then immediately alerted police.

He said: "The two of them were wearing masks and went straight up the till and shouted 'money, money, money'. One had a knife the other had a gun in his hand.

"The customers were banging on the window telling me what was happening. All I could think of was calling the police."

The robbers escaped with £80 cash and fled in a black car up Headley Way towards London Road.

As they made their escape they pushed a 90-year-old woman customer to the ground. She was not injured.

Balfour News has now employed a security guard to protect the store in the mornings.

Mr Patel added: "It happened so quickly. Our person on the till was completely shocked. It was terrifying for everyone.

"I didn't want to make any sudden movement or noise because they were armed and may have gone for one of us or the customers.

"When they went I asked people to stay calm and tell the police everything they saw.

"It was all very threatening, it doesn't happen very often, and it was quite frightening for everyone."

The robbers raided the shop at 7.30am on Saturday and fled in a black car which was parked behind the shop. It set off neighbouring car alarms as it sped away.

There were about four customers in the shop at the time.

Dc Miranda Moore, of Oxford CID, said: "If you were in the shop, nearby, or have any information that could help us then please contact me as soon as you can. Maybe you saw the car leave. It may have been driven erratically."

Anyone with information should contact police on 08458 505505 or anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Two men were arrested in connection with the raid and have been released on bail until November 5.