Sir - Your obituary of Brian Hodgson (August 24) could have been ten times the length, such was the range of his commitments as one of life's most generous givers of time and energy.

It was our very good fortune to have been teaching colleagues of Brian's for a number of years, sharing students and, for us, benefiting again and again from Brian's extraordinary depth and breadth of experience: he taught as he lived, with dedication, wit, and a fearless belief that the world can be, should be, must be, made into a better and fairer place.

As an active member of what was then the lecturers' union, Natfhe (now part of UCU), Brian was involved both locally and nationally in campaign after campaign to improve the lot of his colleagues, most of whom were blissfully unaware of what he was doing on their behalves and, by extension, on behalf of their students.

A great person and a very great colleague, his 'signature' Charlton Athletic scarf surely epitomized his infectious and unfailing optimism. An example to us all!

Sally Mercer and Bruce Ross-Smith, Headington