Mediterranean-style street cafe culture is coming to Cowley Road in Oxford after months of talks and discussions.

Restaurateur Clinton Pugh has been granted a street cafe licence for his two restaurants, Cafe Coco and Kazbar, to set up tables and chairs in Dawson Street until 9pm each night.

He said: "This is fantastic, very positive and it's brilliant to see something happening after so much talking. I'm very pleased that we are moving forward.

"It's a shame that it couldn't have happened much quicker - but common sense has prevailed."

Oxford City Council's east area committee, which granted Mr Pugh a street cafe licence last week and gave planning permission for the scheme earlier this year, has insisted that a cycle lane be retained to provide access for cyclists between St Clement's and Cowley Road.

Erica Steinhauer, who had raised concerns about how the cafes could affect residents living nearby, said: "It's incredibly good news that the licence is only until 9pm.

"But out of the blue the council has said there has to be a cycle lane through the middle, which I don't understand."

She said the plans would mean there was virtually no space left for a planned garden and community area in Dawson Street.

She said: "What we're concerned about is that in real terms, when it's all sorted, all we will be left with is two benches, which is not what we want.

"I remain hopeful and determined that after the meeting of our working party on Thursday we're going to be in a position to present the east area committee a report showing the way forward regarding design and possible funding."

Nuala Young, chairman of the committee, said: "A lot of cyclists use that as a way to avoid The Plain so we need to keep that, even if they just get off their bikes and push.

"We have got exact dimensions so people who are concerned about the garden can be reassured that it will be 50/50 between the garden and the street cafe. There's plenty of space for cyclists and the garden."

Planning permission has also been granted for three shops in Dawson Street.

Mr Pugh said he hoped to start work on the street cafe as soon as roadworks, which currently divert traffic down Dawson Street, were complete.