In regards to (Oxford Mail, August 1, City wants to end road deal), well, well, only a couple of months ago we read of city leader John Goddard and his cronies wanting unitary status, no mention of road problems.

If the city needs it they would fix it and make savings.

No mention of how will the savings be used.

If the county cannot give £24m, surely the simple answer is to write to Gordon Brown with a city councillors' petition, get the anti-academy group to sign, along with the postal union, and surely you will get money for roads.

With being classed as a weak authority, roads would be one less problem.

The city's high sickness rate must have something to do with this decision.

Is Mr Goddard paving a smooth way for a Labour administration taking over in September? They will not thank you, as well you know.

Over-population is damaging our roads. God help the country in the next five years - the population soaring with 4.5 children and more per couple with cars to match, those settling here to get health care as well. NHS in crisis, roads in crisis and housing in crisis. What next?

PHILLIP HUDSON, St Mary's Road, Oxford