The mother of a young man who was found dead in his bed said her family would be living "in limbo" until an inquest which could reveal the cause of her son's death.

Lynn Lord, 47, of Mulcaster Avenue, Kidlington, spoke of her family's anguish after a memorial football match in memory of her son Ryan, 22, who was found dead in bed at home on December 5 last year.

The cause of death has remained unexplained and Mrs Lord, 47, and her husband Andy, 51, are hoping an inquest in October will tell them how their son died.

Mrs Lord said: "Ryan was a normal young man who liked to go out at the weekend and have a few beers.

"One night he went to bed and his dad went to wake him the next morning and he didn't wake up.

"We don't know why this happened - perhaps it was adult cot death syndrome, then you ask yourself if it was suicide, but Ryan didn't leave any note, so we will have to wait for the toxicology reports.

"It was horrendous when he died and the whole family has been left in limbo."

Mr and Mrs Lord's other children, Andrew, 20, Christopher, 24, Donna, 27, and Jamie, 28, helped them to organise the first Ryan Lord Memorial football match and fun day at the Crown Road ground in Kidlington on SaturdayAug18.

The event raised £600, which will go to a charity to help support children with liver disease, a condition suffered by a child who is a friend of the family.

Mrs Lord said: "There were four teams playing and they kept going through heavy rain because they knew it was a charity event.

"Despite the weather, the tournament was a great success and we are now going to stage it every year."

Ryan grew up in Marston, Oxford, and was a keen goalkeeper and an Army Cadet. He was known in the village by friends and family as "the guy with the big smile" and this tribute featured on the memorial trophy.