HUNDREDS of mourners packed into a church to pay their final respects to James McCabe who died in a car crash earlier this month.

The service for the 21-year-old took place at St Edburg's Church, in Church Street, Bicester, yesterday.

Mr McCabe, of Hemingway Drive, Bicester, and friend Adam Davis, 19, of Oxlip Leyes, Bicester, died when their red Peugeot 205 crashed in Middleton Stoney Road, on Monday, August 6.

Members of Cruise Bicester, a group of car enthusiasts, carried the coffin which was spray painted in blue and had pictures of a Subaru Impreza on the outside.

More than 400 mourners watched as the coffin was carried into the church to the Rocky theme tune.

As the coffin came in, a friend of Mr McCabe - who was also known as 'Slug' - shouted: "Go on son" and another said: "What a waste of a life."

The church was full of family and friends and many people had to stand at the back of the church.

The Rev Chris Boyce, of Emmanuel Church, Bicester, said during the service: "Jackie, Ron and brother Louis, and other members of the family, we are here to celebrate James' life.

"James lived in the shadow of his older brother Louis. He wanted to do everything that his brother did.

"Through his short life James was the do-er and Louis was the cautious one.

"He knew how to be annoying. He loved winding up his brother, mum and dad. He knew exactly what buttons to press. He had so many friends."

As Mr Boyce told stories of things that had happened in Mr McCabe's life, he reminded them that it was OK to laugh.

He said: "On a day out, James persuaded his brother to go in a fire engine. As they got in, the firemen scrambled aboard for a call out and told the boys that they had to go with them.

"Of course it was a joke, but it had them both worried."

Mr McCabe had a strong passion for cars and dreamed of owning a Nissan Skyline. His coffin was carried out to the tune of Puff Daddy's I'll Be Missing You.

Speaking after the service, pal Helen Norris, 26, of Ruskin Road, Bicester, said James would be missed.

She said: "He lived for his cars. His death has brought the whole town together. He was so young and his death is so tragic.

"The service was brilliant and I think James would have loved it."

The funeral of Adam Davis takes place at the same church at 2pm on Thursday.