An increase in patients using the out-of-hours GP service and community hospital minor injury units is easing the pressure on accident and emergency units in Oxford and Banbury.

According to Government statistics, the number of people who visited casualty at Oxford's John Radcliffe Hospital and The Horton Hospital, in Banbury, from April to June this year was 13 per cent fewer than the same period last year.

At the same time, the number of patients visiting the county's three minor injury units and using out-of-hours GP services rose.

Doctors running the overnight and weekend GP service saw 37,579 patients in the second quarter of this year, up six per cent on the 35,234 patients seen in 2006.

At the same time, the number of patients visiting the MIUs in Abingdon, Witney and Henley this year was 8,227, up 22 per cent from 6,730 in April to June last year.

Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust took charge of out-of-hours GP care in September 2004, when the majority of practices opted to drop their own emergency cover as part of a new contract with the NHS.

But patients complained the new system made it difficult to get help, and doctors at the JR and Horton said people were going to the casualty units instead, causing a 12 per cent increase in workload.

Christine Hewitt, the PCT's urgent care service manager, said: "The number of people using our out-of-hours and minor injuries services is increasing. Hopefully this is partly because people are becoming more familiar with the services on offer."

MIUs can help with a range of minor complaints, including broken bones, dislocations, minor bumps to the head and minor burns. GP out-of-hours services are available after 6.30pm on weekdays, and throughout weekends and bank holidays, by calling 0845 345 8995.

On-call doctors will either speak to patients on the phone, invite them to come to an out-of-hours surgery or visit them at home.

The MIU service at Wallingford Hospital was suspended due to staffing problems in March, but the PCT says a first aid service will be provided from October at the town's medical practice, in Reading Road.