Parents are forking out hundreds of pounds to keep their children entertained over the school holidays - but youngsters are still moaning they're bored.

That's the conclusion of a new survey looking at how much time, energy and money Oxfordshire parents are investing in children's activities this summer. It shows parents in the county are spending up to £300 attempting to keep each of their youngsters entertained.

The survey reveals 86 per cent of parents in Oxford are spending up to £300 on activities during the holiday, with some spending much more. But despite this, more than 40 per cent of parents thought they didn't make the most of time spent with their children.

And 68 per cent of five- to 12-year-olds surveyed said they were still bored.

Mother-of-two Sue James, of Lakefield Road, Littlemore, Oxford, said keeping children entertained could be expensive. Her daughter Kirsty, 14, a pupil at Peers School, is spending the holidays helping out at riding stables in Oxford.

But Mrs James said: "If not, I know she would be either watching the telly, going on the Internet or playing a computer game.

"When my children were younger it could be quite expensive sending them on play schemes. They were basically looking at me saying: 'You're the entertainer - entertain me'.

"You can't really get out of spending some money. It's going to cost you."

Father-of-two Matt Fincham, from Bicester's Langford Village estate, said his children, Jake, eight, and Maisy, six, had enjoyed a fun-packed holiday. The two Langford Village Primary School pupils have been to a free Round Table-sponsored Try-A-Sport Day, Cherwell District Council's Energize road shows and fun days at Bicester and Ploughley Sports Centre.

Mr Fincham, 40, who works at Oxford Airport, Kidlington, said: "They have done swimming, arts and crafts, cookery and sports sessions.

"Yesterday they were keen to stay at home, because they have been out doing so many things. But children will always complain they're bored."

Mr Fincham, whose wife Samantha works part-time, said although many of the activities were reasonably priced, the cost did add up.

For ideas on fun things to do, get The 12 Things to do Before You're 12 guide at or call 0800 0556 225.

12 things to do: Learn to swim, make a den, put on a play, create a garden, donate your old clothes and toys to charity, be environmentally friendly, make something and sell it, form a car wash club, write to the Prime Minister about something you care about, stage a debate, visit a farm, make a time capsule.