It was a bit of a hoot at Nuneham Courtenay when three owls flew in to help raise money for the village hall.

The owls were displayed by Chrissie Harper who runs a rescue centre for the birds at Stonesfield near Woodstock.

She spoke about the life and environment of the birds and explained her work at the centre. The event attracted more than 100 people on Sunday afternoon and the owls proved a hit with children, including Alexander Baxter, pictured.

They queued up to have their pictures taken next to the birds. The village hall committee needs £2,000 to pay for improvements to meet new fire regulations. The owls helped put nearly £350 into the kitty.

Bingo, a jumble sale and selling refreshments at the January performance staged by the Baldon Players who use the hall are being organised.

Event organiser Morley Benson said: "The owls were a big attraction and it was fascinating to learn more about the birds and the work of the rescue centre.

"We are making progress but still need to bring in more money to reach £2,000. It may not seem a lot but for a small village like ours it's a big amount."