Former Oxford High School pupil Harriet Brown has had "the chance of a lifetime" to study theatre across Europe.

The 24-year-old, from Shipton Road, Woodstock, spent seven weeks on a Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship in Luxembourg, Germany and France.

She said: "I have seen a huge variety of projects for young people working with target groups. Most impressive were the sensitive social issues which the youth groups presented on stage."

Harriet is now back home for a short break before returning to Germany to teach English.

She was awarded the fellowship, set up in memory of the former Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, to help a wide variety of people pursue their passion or interests abroad.

About 100 are awarded annually on the basis of the chance of a lifetime, particularly for people under 25. Harriet, whose shortlist interview panel included legendary athlete Sir Roger Bannister, started her interest in theatre at York University and developed it while working as a volunteer teacher on an HIV/Aids project with young orphans in South Africa.

"About one in four of children in the township were orphans and I found the most effective lessons were those using drama. It really helped the children," she said.

During her fellowship she visited theatre projects, including one for disabled young people, bringing together 60 people from five countries to produce and a musical in 10 days.

Harriet added: "The Churchill fellowship has given me a broader outlook to theatre, which I will be able to use in my future career."

For details of the scheme, see