PROSTITUTION in East Oxford has become so widespread that even uniformed police officers are being propositioned and children are seeing street walkers in the act.

The new police inspector for Cowley has vowed to crack down on the problem after it was flagged up as a top priority by residents.

But Insp Graham Sutherland warned: "There is no overnight solution to this problem because it can be a very deep and profound issue.

"These girls don't really go out on the streets out of choice. There are often drug and drink-related issues."

The main pressure points are in and around Cowley Road between the junction with Edmund Road, by the Texaco petrol station, and Magdalen Road.

Insp Sutherland insisted there was not a large number of working girls in the area, but stressed he took the issue very seriously.

And as well as cracking down on the prostitutes, kerb-crawling clients are to be the next group to face the long arm of the law.

Police officers and members of the Crime and Nuisance Action Team are eager to identify owners of cars cruising the area.

People living in Cowley Road have said their children have spotted women performing lewd acts in broad daylight - and believe the problem has increased dramatically over the past few years.

Sabir Hussain-Mirza, an Oxford city councillor who lives on the Cowley Road, said: "When I stop the car and look for a place to park there, women run up to us asking if we are looking for business.

"It makes me very worried and I feel I am not safe here. I love this place and I do not want to move, but I feel I have got no choice."

Neighbours claim working girls are propositioning them regularly and refusing to take no for an answer.

They are concerned that if the area's reputation as a place to get lucky continues to grow, innocent girls will start to be approached by people looking for prostitutes - perhaps leading to violence.

Residents also claim noise from the activity leads to arguments late at night, and they find used condoms and wrappers near their homes.

There are calls for prostitutes to be pushed out of the area. But there are concerns about where the problem will move to.

Rosemary Lynch, who lives in Cowley Road and has two teenage daughters, said: "Prostitution brings many things to our streets, kerb crawlers picking up young women, men approaching general members of the public who should feel safe in their own environment.

"This area of Cowley Road is split between families and students who have all invested in their futures and we are all vulnerable when we walk our streets now."