TEENAGER Christie Hollstrom enjoyed the "best night of my life" when rising chart star Calvin Harris popped in to play his hit songs at her Kidlington home.

Christie, 17, a sales assistant at TopShop in Oxford, won a competition on the social networking website MySpace for the Scottish singer to pay a visit.

The teenager won by suggesting a fancy-dress party with the theme of the letter C - in honour of Calvin - and scooped the prize, which included a £1,500 record company cheque.

About 50 friends gathered at the family home in Benmead Road on Saturday, when Harris, whose hits include Merrymaking at My Place, arrived with his band on their tour bus.

"It was definitely the best night of my life, and when I woke up in the morning I thought I must be dreaming," said Christie. "Calvin arrived with two guitarists and a drummer and I gave him a hug when he came through the front door - it was a bit surreal but I did my best to stay calm.

"I cried when they found out I had won the competition but I managed to control myself on the night.

"Calvin is really good-looking - he's over 6ft - and he signed a poster for me which I am putting on my wall.

"The band set up in the conservatory and played for about half an hour. They played The Girls and Acceptable in the 80s and Calvin changed some of the lyrics to include my name.

"He came in carrying a bottle of Jack Daniels and mingled with everyone. He even showed me and mum the tour bus - it was definitely the best night of my life."

Christie's mum Marina, 40, dad Scott, 46, and brother Dean, 20, also enjoyed the show.

Mrs Hollstrom said: "It was brilliant and Christie is chuffed to bits because it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"The neighbours are a bit older than us so we warned them there was going to be some loud music but they were fine about it - I think they were pleased for Christie."

The singer also signed a limited edition CD for the teenager and invited her to his November show at the Carling Academy in Cowley Road.

"I have already bought tickets and I hope we get invited backstage," said Christie. "Calvin arrived about 8pm and stayed for about two hours."