As a resident of Field Avenue, Blackbird Leys for the past 18 years, may I just say how heavenly it has been for the past four weeks since the road has been closed (access only) for resurfacing work.

It is usually hellish with the amount of buses we have down our road day and night.

I have to endure the endless racket these buses make coming down the road, sometimes five at a time, all sitting in a row and some of them virtually empty.

Why can't the bus bosses increase the number of vehicles at peak times and then reduce them at other times of the day? Why can they not use the smaller buses, like Greater Leys have, through the day? When I moved here buses never came down my street. But since Greater Leys has been built the bus route was changed and Field Avenue has suffered ever since.

Increase the number of buses in Greater Leys and let someone else listen to the droning engines for a change.

NICOLA MERRITT, Field Avenue, Oxford