With reference to your editorial, 'A case of policing on the cheap' (Oxford Mail, August 15), I first raised my reservations about PCSOs in a letter last year which resulted in meeting with the then Oxford Area Police Commander, Supt Jim Trotman.

Unlike many senior officers I served under as a police officer, I found him caring and able. However, the bottom line of our conversation was that PCSOs are entirely funded by central Government and the money cannot be used to employ more police officers or other operational costs.

So effectively, Thames Valley Police and all other police forces are being blackmailed by Government because a PCSO costs less to train and earns at least £10,000 a year less than a constable.

Multiply that throughout the country and the earnings are immense.

However, in real terms, it means we will see fewer police officers on the street and crime will increase because the villains know PCSOs have limited powers.

In my opinion 'Blunkett's Bobbies' will be a dismal failure. I wonder how long it will take for this Government to realise that.

PETER BARTLETT, Anchor Court, York Place, Oxford