Shoppers will be able to buy fresh produce straight from growers if plans to hold a new monthly farmers' market in Oxford get the go-ahead.

Oxford City Council now has the final say on the scheme to hold a market on the fourth Friday of every month in Kennett Road, Headington.

Charles Young, of the Headington Action Group, which is behind the idea, said a market would be a popular addition to the area.

He said: "It's been a long time since Headington lost its last greengrocer and its even longer since it lost its last butcher.

"The farmers' market will give people the chance to get fresh produce and we're quite optimistic it will be an enormous success, provided we can get the go-ahead.

"Something like this could really revitalise the Headington shopping area."

Mr Young said preference for stalls would be given to local farmers.

He added: "People are more concerned about food miles these days and so with that in mind we will aim to use suppliers as local as possible.

"Not only will that be doing our bit to help local suppliers and farmers, but also our bit for the environment. "

Residents of Kennett Road have been consulted about the market and the response has been positive.

Chloe Michaels, 44, of Kennett Road, said: "I think it's a brilliant idea and the fact it will be at the end of my road is fantastic.

"I know that Headington has supermarkets, but it will be nice to be able to buy fresh food directly from the person who has grown, baked or made it."

Fellow Kennett Road resident Brian Marshal, 62, said: "Markets of this type have become increasingly popular over the past few years and I see no reason why this one shouldn't be very popular as well.

"People living in the area will definitely support it - and in time I think it will draw in people from outside Headington."

Supporters of farmers' markets claim that since all produce on sale is locally-grown it does not have to travel as far and the difference in mileage saves fossil fuels, allows farmers to pick produce at the peak of flavour and preserves its nutritional content.