A new £1m office centre in Chalgrove is being equipped with leading-edge environmental technology as part of a major drive by the owners of the Monument Business Park.

Property Management company Jennings, has invested in the new office centre, Ashgrove House, to provide growing space for existing tenants on the park and create new opportunities for thriving local businesses to move there.

Managing director Mike Jennings said: "We are very excited by the new technology we have at Ashgrove House.

"As a business, we are committed to working to the low-carbon emissions standards, as set out by The Carbon Trust, and this is another big step towards that.

"We have made recycling and re-use a priority during the building phase and the new centre will be very energy and resource-efficient to run.

"We are also delighted to be able to offer growing space for our existing tenants, so they can stay local as they build on their own success, and to be able to welcome new businesses to the park."

River Marketing Group has already agreed to move to the new building from elsewhere in the park.

Director Phil Jones said: "River Marketing Group has grown up on Monument Business Park.

"In 2003 we moved into Unit 43 and at that time we were nine people. Steady growth now sees us at 22 people and, having reached capacity in our current building, we're delighted to be able to stay and move to the state-of-the-art facility in Ashgrove House."

As well as high-quality wall insulation and double-glazing to minimise electricity usage, it has a high-tech rain collection system, which recycles water to flush the toilets.

A state-of-the-art air handling system produces better quality air than standard air conditioning. Its humidity control system has proved to be especially welcome to one of the new tenants who is asthmatic.

Each office uses recyclable light tubes and has its own light sensors, so that the lights go off when there is no-one in the room.

Jennings employed as many local contractors as possible and much of the old material was recycled or re-used.

Monument Business Park is home to more than 75 companies employing 500 people between them. It offers a mix of business premises ranging from 100 to 10,000 sq ft, from basic manufacturing units to high spec offices.

Hampden House and Ashgrove House offer purpose-built serviced and managed offices for small businesses.

n Contact: Paul Mabbutt, 01865 893300, or see www.jennings.co.uk