VOLUNTEER tree planting is helping provide a valuable noise break between homes in Witney and the A40 bypass.

A small copse of 45 trees was planted on The Mounds at Thorney Leys last winter, but there are still many spaces to fill.

Now the Witney Woodland Volunteers is appealing for people to search their gardens for self-seeded trees which could help add to the screening.

The species they are looking for are oak, ash, field maple and hazel, and the ideal size is from a third to half a metre tall.

By using 'homegrown' trees people do not want, there are no costs for the organisation except in providing mulch and plastic sleeves to keep weeds and rabbits at bay.

Woodland volunteer Juliet Curry said: "The little trees we planted last winter have done so well, almost doubling in size in six months.

"They need to be small when they go in, so that the roots take a really firm hold."

The volunteers are planning another planting day some time in November. Anyone who can help should ring Ms Curry on 01993 702202.