Three of Oxford's headteachers shared their thoughts on A-Level results.

JILL JUDSON, headteacher at THE CHERWELL SCHOOL, said: "We are really pleased. Our results show that 42 per cent were A grades, which is the highest we have ever achieved and more than 20 per cent of the students achieved three or more A grades.

"These results are the product of an excellent partnership between students, staff and parents. This has been an exceptional year group, not just academically, but also in their support for each other and their willingness to take part in a wide range of other activities."

Results Table

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It was also a record-breaking year at OXFORD COMMUNITY SCHOOL where headteacher STEVE LUNT said: "As a school with a growing sixth form to see our overall pass rate rise to 93 per cent is tremendous.

"These are an outstanding set of results which demonstrate excellent progress.

"The school worked hard to ensure that students are well prepared for sitting their exams and departments offered intensive study day sessions as part of our raising achievement plans. This year we introduced a study skills programme where students shared their tips for revision with each other."

Once again, MAGDALEN COLLEGE SCHOOL hit the headlines with nine students achieving five or more A grades.

Master ANDREW HALLS said the secret of the school's success was getting to know pupils well and learning what made them tick.

He said: "For all our success in league tables, our first interest has always been the pupil and a profound belief in the importance of helping every boy do as well as he possibly can. Our teachers provide countless hours of personal extra help and the boys don't just tolerate each other, they actually take pleasure in each other's differences."