Muggers on bikes have struck five times in seven days in Oxford, stealing handbags and mobile phones.

Police have set up a team to catch the thieves before they strike again.

In one theft a cyclist rode up behind a woman in Gillians Park in Blackbird Leys and after a brief struggle snatched her handbag, containing a mobile phone and £70 cash.

Elsewhere, the thieves have struck twice in Barns Road, Cowley, and once each at Oxford United's Kassam Stadium and Dunnock Way in Greater Leys.

Police are stepping up patrols and have set up a team of five officers with support from Cowley and Blackbird Leys neighbourhood teams. But they are not linking the series of thefts.

Det Sgt George Mynehan, of Oxford police, said: "I want to reassure people neither violence nor weapons were used, but people have been hurt as a thief has tried to wrestle their bags from them."

The first theft happened in Gillians Park last Wednesday at 11.45am. The cyclist is described as white and tanned and about 25 years old.

On Friday afternoon a woman had her bag snatched from her arm by a white man riding a bike in Dunnock Way in Greater Leys.

He fled towards Blacksmith Meadow clutching a mobile phone and wallet.

An hour later a woman was walking along Barns Road in Cowley.

The thief, described as white and in his mid-late 20s, snatched her handbag. He dumped his bike and escaped by climbing a fence.

On Sunday a bike bandit struck at the Kassam Stadium in Grenoble Road by deliberately riding into a man and grabbing his mobile phone.

He is described as Asian and in his late teens, last seen cycling towards Minchery Farm in Littlemore.

Finally on Wednesday, a thief cycled behind a woman in Barns Road, Cowley, and snatched her handbag.

This time the cyclist is described as black, tall and thin and 20 years old. He was wearing black clothing.

Det Sgt Mynehan added: "We are urging everyone to make sure their valuables, especially mobile phones, are kept safe and out of sight whenever possible.

"Women should wear the strap of their handbag across their body, but where this isn't possible, try and carry it on the side of your body less exposed to the road or to passers-by."

Anyone with information should call DS Mynehan on 08458 505505 or anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.