SUPERMARKET firm Tesco said it would fund an Abingdon shuttle bus 'for the foreseeable future' if it was given the all-clear to expand its Marcham Road superstore.

The company has responded to concerns among chamber of commerce members that the offers made by Tesco might be short-lived.

Tesco has offered to run a shuttle bus service from Monday to Friday, from the town centre, and pay for a town centre manager.

But the chamber is still wary and said it would have to discuss the offer with its members. President Jill Carver said: "We still have concerns over a bigger Tesco store and the threat it could pose to small town centre businesses."

Two months ago, Vale of White Horse District Council threw out the expansion plans amid fears town centre businesses would be damaged.

Tesco has resubmitted the plans with the promise of a package of measures, including promise of improvements to Marcham Road. It wants permission to expand the store and widen the range of electrical goods it sells.

Tesco corporate affairs manager Felix Gummer said: "We have held meetings with the council, chamber of commerce and Abingdon Town Council and after much consideration, have decided to submit a new application.

"The new proposal specifically addresses matters that these groups have raised."

The Environment Agency will give its views by the end of the month.