Children can continue to indulge their artistic sides thanks to a life-saving grant.

The After School Art Club, in Barton, Oxford, was facing closure after funds from the Lottery's Awards For All scheme were discontinued in June.

But now the Oxfordshire Community Foundation has given nearly £2,500 to keep the club running.

Sue Holden, secretary of the Barton Community Association, which runs the club, said: "We'd given up hope of it continuing. When they came up with the funding it was a real bonus - a lifesaver. It is absolutely fantastic they have come along and kept us going."

The grant will keep the club running until March, and a new fundraising campaign will begin at Christmas.

The After School Art Club was formed in March last year and is free to seven to 14 year olds.

It meets every Monday during term time at the Barton Neighbourhood Centre in Underhill Circus.

Mrs Holden said: "On average we attract about 25 kids a week, which is really good and it is their own choice to come - it is somewhere they want to go.

"It is a safe environment, it is very well supervised and it allows them to develop their skills at their own pace.

"When it finished in June the kids actually sent me all these 'thank you' cards for running the group. Some of them said, 'Please find some money to get it open again'."

Serena Fumner, from Burchester Avenue, said her daughters Jodie, nine, and Jade, seven, were regulars at the club.

She added: "It's great for the kids - they love it. I think they would be quite upset if the club closed."

The club will re-open when children return to school in September.

Foundation grants manager Wally Cox said: "We're delighted to contribute towards this valuable group. We try to focus our grants on small grass-roots, community organisations which are making small but significant differences to the lives of children and young people."