POLICE are urging the public to be wary after a number of snatch thefts by criminals using bicycles.

In the last week, there have been five incidents in the Blackbird Leys and Cowley areas where a cyclist on a mountain bike has come up behind a victim and snatched their mobile phones or handbags.

Police said a dedicated team of officers has been assigned to tackling the problem and there will also be high-visibility patrols in the areas affected.

The attacks happened:

  • At about 11.45am on August 8, a lady was walking in Gillians Park, Blackbird Leys, when a man cycled up behind her and, after a struggle, snatched her handbag. In the handbag was a mobile phone, a purse and £70 in cash. The man was white but tanned and about 25 years old.
  • On August 10, at 3.55pm, a woman was walking along Dunnock Way, Blackbird Leys, when a white man cycled up behind her and stole her handbag, which contained a mobile phone and wallet, from her arm. He was seen cycling in the direction of Blacksmiths Meadow.
  • At 5pm on August 10, a woman was walking along the path between Tesco and Barns Road, Cowley, when a man cycled up behind her and snatched her bag from her shoulder. He dropped his bike and was last seen climbing over the fences behind the flats on Barns Road. The man was white and in his mid to late twenties.
  • On Sunday, at 11.40am, at the Kassam Stadium in Grenoble Road, Blackbird Leys, a man rode his bicycle into a man and stolen his mobile phone. He was Asian, aged between 18 and 20 and was last seen cycling towards Minchery Farm in Littlemore.
  • Yesterday at about 9am a man on his bicycle rode up behind a woman in Barns Road, Cowley, and stole her handbag. The man was black, tall and thin, about 20 years old, and was wearing black clothing.

Det Sgt George Mynehan, who leads the Oxford Robbery Team, said: "I want to reassure people neither violence nor weapons were used in any of these attacks; but people have been hurt as a thief has tried to wrestle their bags from them.

"We are urging everyone to make sure their valuables, especially mobile phones, are kept safe and out of sight whenever possible.

"Women should wear the strap of their handbag across their body, but where this isn't possible, try and carry it on the side of your body less exposed to the road or to where others will pass by.

"If you are unfortunate to be targeted in this way, try and get a good look at the thief: your description could prove vital to our investigation."

Anyone who witnesses a theft or may have any information about an incident is asked to contact Det Sgt Mynehan via the Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505.

If you do not want to talk to the police or give your name, call the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.