THE closure of Oxfordshire County Council's only hostel for people with learning disabilities has moved a step closer.

Stowford House, built in Abingdon in the 1970s as a hostel for 23 people, is expected to close next spring when the five remaining residents move into a new home near Abingdon town centre.

Planning permission has been granted for a specially-adapted large bungalow staffed by 24-hour carers.

The house will be sold and the profits will go towards the construction of the bungalow.

At one time, the county council owned six hostels but now almost all adults with learning disabilities in Oxfordshire live independently - alone or in small groups - with help from support workers.

In the last five years, the council has supported more than 500 people with learning disabilities to move into their own homes and pursue independent lives.

Service development manager Kathy Brown said: "All five people are looking forward to moving into their own homes. They are already buying household equipment and choosing furniture."

The council's cabinet member for adult social care, Jim Couchman, said: "While the council's hostels for disabled people served their purpose at the time, it's clear that people have benefited hugely from being encouraged to live as independently as possible."