Writing this involved a struggle with my conscience. Finding a plumber who gives free advice, has no call-out charge, and is passionate about what he does, is grounds for keeping him secret.

The fact that the plumber's mate is his wife is another - having someone who can translate my untechnical witterings.

Together Chipping Norton-based Tony and Myriam Brearley have built up a successful business over the past four years on word-of-mouth recommendation which, not surprisingly, is keeping them incredibly busy, and they do not need to advertise.

When I met them, they had been working on a bathroom in north Oxford and Mrs Brearley smiled when she said she had been grouting, as she admits she loves tiling.

What is interesting about them is not just that they are a husband-and-wife plumbing team, but that Mr Brearley only started training four years ago, at the age of 46.

He is one of many people who change career mid-life, whether through choice or circumstance. Having worked as an upholsterer at the Parker Knoll furniture factory in Chipping Norton, he had already left for pastures new when it closed down in 2004.

He said: "They offered redundancy and I thought, well I know it's going to shut, I think I'll walk before everyone else does."

The money enabled him to train as a plumber. But why did he choose plumbing?

"It was a choice between plumbing or electrical work and plumbing was the first course that came up," Mr Brearley explained, although he admitted being accepted on a course was difficult.

"I just couldn't find one and nobody would take me on as a plumbing mate," he said.

"I think my age played quite a large part - it's geared up for young trainees."

Eventually he did find one in Northampton and graduated with distinction. He thinks that being older helped him to be more committed.

"I've studied plumbing because I wanted to. I wanted to work for myself and I wanted to do this job. When I was younger, I don't think I'd have been quite as dedicated."

It also has knock-on benefits with customers.

"I come to your door and the first thing you think is: He's got years of experience', so that side has been actually very beneficial to me," he said.

Mrs Brearley was assistant practice manager at one of the doctors' surgeries in Chipping Norton until a year ago.

She does all the business administration, but also goes out on jobs, helping out with all aspects.

What reaction do the couple get from clients when they turn up on the doorstep?

Mrs Brearley said: "They like it - especially women on their own. I think they feel slightly reassured."

Although they will tackle all forms of general plumbing, the Brearleys have made a speciality of refitting bathrooms from top to bottom, including painting and tiling. Mrs Brearley particularly enjoys this kind of work.

"It's a big jigsaw puzzle basically, getting everything to fit and work out deliveries on time," she said.

Now that Mr Brearley is fully trained to do anything except central heating systems - he is not Corgi-registered - he has plans to go into solar cells and grey water systems.

Turnover is currently around £61,000, but given that he has completed his training, Mr Brearley sees that increasing.

Charges are currently £40 for the first hour and £30 thereafter, although there is no call-out charge and they give free advice.

"We always work on the score that if we're open and considerate, people are more likely to consider us if they do have an emergency," he said.

The couple have been together since they were 21, and are now both 51. They began their careers at Parker Knoll, although they have done lots of other things, including 12 years working on the ski slopes of Switzerland during the winter and running campsites in France.

Having always worked for other people, what do they like about being self-employed?

"I think the freedom of it. We don't answer to anyone really," Mr Brearley said.

"Also, it's the thinking and having to plan for yourself," Mrs Brearley added.

"You have to do it all between the two of you and you have to communicate really well."

The only downside to the Brearleys' new career is the hours.

"I generally work on average up to ten hours a day, a minimum of five days a week," Mr Brearley said. But even so, he loves going to work.

He added: "To me, it's wonderful. I get up in the morning, the sun is shining and it's off to work I go."

n Contact: ATB Plumbing, 01608 644 452, atbplumbing@tiscali.co.uk