When it comes to medical advances, the UK lags behind the US. So it follows there are many healthcare products available there that simply are not available here.

Now, online company, Nutrition Geeks, claims it is bringing the best of them to the UK market.

"Working in the US a lot, I saw the range of products that are just not available here," said Don Maree, one of the company's founders."

Mr Maree (pictured left) used to run a health consultancy in London's Canary Wharf, helping stressed executives. He left the city and his business behind to head the new Bicester-based firm.

"Our products are science-based functional food and medicine products. We wanted to provide the medical community, health care practitioners and consumers here with key products that address what we feel to be the main areas of true health and wellness," he said.

"I am very interested in nutrition and health, and have seen a lot of misleading information out there.

"But it can be difficult to get the message out, as you have to be very careful about what you say when it comes to food and medicine."

Nutrition Geeks is starting out with 16 all-natural products, which are said to be good for a range of illnesses.

Mr Maree added: "Our products deal with issues like heavy metal detoxification, adrenal fatigue, thyroid support, advanced omega 3 supplementation and cardiovascular risk control.

"We feel we have done our research and are able to offer some of the best nutraceuticals - foods that claim to have a medicinal effect on human health - to help deal with these problems in a non-invasive ethically correct manner."

Mr Maree, who takes care of the day-to-day running of the business, has two partners - Jamie Baird, a consultant to large companies, and natural remedy expert Max Tomlinson.

"Jamie is the brains behind the company and Max is a high profile practitioner who adds credibility to our company ethos," said Mr Maree.

"He was voted one of the top ten health gurus for 2007 by the Daily Mail, and writes for various other publications."

On a personal level, Mr Maree said he enjoys the slower pace of Oxfordshire living, and is relishing the opportunity to grow a new company.

He said: "Setting up a new business throws up so many new challenges. The great thing is, I find this field very interesting, and we are all passionate about what we do."

n Contact: Nutrition Geeks, 07980 236844, www.nutritiongeeks.co.uk