If ever we needed proof that the doomed recycling scheme in Oxford was pushed through without any consultation from the general public, or any real studies, it was the report that building work will have to be carried out at flats before recycling services can be provided.

Should this have not been carried out before the scheme was forced upon us all?

Even Homer Simpson would not make this basic error. D'oh!

What now for these properties? Do they now get a weekly collection until the problem is sorted out?

In reply to my letter (Oxford Mail, August 14), Jean Fooks, the city council's executive members for a cleaner city, reports quotes from the BBC forum - funny how she likes to cherry pick them.

She also quotes reports that only favour her scheme, ignoring others that flag up the health hazards.

Mrs Fooks keeps saying that it will cost more to go back to weekly collections. This is a complete fallacy, and she should not be allowed to keep hiding behind this spin.

She now has to come out and say why she has wasted taxpayers' money on setting up a 'special' team to deal with this problem, when it should have been sorted out at before she forced this scheme upon us all. I eagerly await her recycled reply.

ANDY BEAL, Sandy Lane, Blackbird Leys, Oxford