Plans to create a multimillion-pound aqua park at Blackbird Leys have kicked up a storm on

The Oxford Mail reported on Tuesday a pool with several flumes, slides and a wave machine, will be built next to the estate's leisure centre, in Pegasus Road, next to Blackbird Leys Park.

Many think it is a great idea and will offer swimmers a fun time close to home.

But others are a little miffed Blackbird Leys is benefiting from a funding boost, suggesting other parts of the city are losing out...

Oxfordone, from Oxford, said: "That is just typical that it will be in Blackbird Leys isn't it? Why do areas like that always get money ploughed into them? There are kids in other parts of Oxford too who would appreciate such a place."

Andy said: "I wondered how long it would take the snobs to come on here and moan about it being built on Blackbird Leys.

"Firstly, it is not just for people on the Leys, get that through your thick skulls. I did not realise that only the people that live where something is can use it!

"Secondly, all you snobs out there always object to something being built in your back yard, more traffic, noise etc."

Ellen, from Abingdon Road, said: "Basically, I agree with 'Oxfordone' but where could they sensibly physically put somewhere of this size.

"I would have loved to have seen it on the ice rink site. Central for everyone and public transport.

"But we all know that regardless of how much public transport there is people will still use their cars. Adding to the already clogged roads into Oxford.

"If this plan does go ahead East Oxford will be losing two existing facilities, which if not replaced would need major money to be spent on very dated facilities and there is a limit to what can be done with them."

Alan, from Oxford, said: "As I have said before, the more you wreck your local environment, shout loudest and generally behave badly the more luxury benefits you seem to get.

"Leys and Barton are classic examples, why don't the council stop wasting money on these area's and please the majority and build this elsewhere.

"So, when it's built let's see how long before it has to be closed due to vandalism. STOP WASTING MONEY."

Don Carlos, from Oxford: "Pegasus Road is an ideal place for this, lots of children live on the Leys and it has a wonderful bus service, with the buses carried on to the cinema and bowling alley as it is hard for people to get there without a car."

Chris, from Oxford: "Who cares where they build it this is just what Oxford needs.

"The Swindon Oasis is hardly near the city centre, but you don't hear people there complaining do you?

"People in this city are never satisfied. They moan about a lack of facilities but when a new one is proposed it's the old 'not in my back yard' argument.

"Regardless of where it is built it's a fantastic idea, whether you live in Blackbird Leys or not - there are such things as public transport you know.

"Some people need to get a life!"