Distinguished Oxford University academic, musician and museum curator Helene La Rue has died.

Dr La Rue, who specialised in museology and ethnomusicology - the study of ethnic music - oversaw the Musical Collection at the Pitt Rivers Museum and was curator of the Bate Collection, of Musical Instruments, at Oxford University. While studying music at Lady Margaret Hall between 1970 and 1974, Dr La Rue became interested in organology - the study of musical instruments and their classification.

In 1980, on completion of her doctorate, she joined the staff at the Pitt Rivers Museum, later becoming a fellow of St Cross College and lecturer in organology in 1995. As well as teaching graduate students of both the music and anthropology department, Dr La Rue developed community-based projects designed to engage younger people.

Dr La Rue passed away at Sobell House hospice in July 2007.