MORE than 2,000 people visited a Thames Valley Police open day held in the grounds of Thames Valley Police Training Centre at Sulhamstead, near Reading.

It is the second year the event has been run and the number of people who attended has almost doubled since last year.

Chief Constable Sara Thornton said: "Members of the public that I spoke to were really interested to find out more about the variety of things we deal with day to day and the large number of specialist staff we have policing Thames Valley. It was a chance for residents to talk to us about what it means to be a specialist search and rescue officer, a member of our protection group or a PCSO."

People of all ages visited the museum, the dog section kennels and met officers and staff from specialist departments including the protection group, with their display of surveillance equipment; the mounted section, with horses Spartan and Titan; air support with their helicopter; specialist search and rescue with their motor launch Integrity' and roads policing with a car and motorcycle. They were joined by the Special Constabulary, the Police Volunteer Support Scheme, the charity Thames Valley Crimestoppers, crime reduction and a display of vintage police vehicles.

Members of counter-terrorism and the new Thames Valley Police Emerald Society also put on displays. Counter-terrorism showed how they deal with various types of devices and the Emerald Society brought along Irish pipers and dancers.

Ken Wells, Museum Curator, said: "These displays were highlights of the event. The open day was once again extremely popular and people came from across the Thames Valley. We had a stream of visitors in the Museum all day and the new Great Train Robbery exhibition was particularly popular."

More information about the Museum is available on the Thames Valley Police website.