POLICE are urging A-Level students to celebrate safely when they receive their results tomorrow.

With many Year 13 students legally able to drink in pubs, bars and clubs, police said they want to be sure that the celebrations do not turn to commiserations as a result of one too many.

Inspector John Fox, alcohol and violent crime co-ordinator said: "Your A-Level results signify the end of an era and the start of an exciting new time in your life. We understand that students have often worked very hard to achieve their grades and want to go out and have a good time in recognition of all this.

"We don't want to stop the fun; we just want to make sure everyone stays sensible and safe so that their great night doesn't come at the expense of anyone else's quality of life."

Operation Hangover is asking people to drink responsibly and take the following advice:

  • Make sure you have had something to eat before a night out - never go out drinking on an empty stomach
  • Drink water before you go out so you don't start the evening feeling thirsty
  • Decide how much you are going to drink before you go out and stick to your limit
  • Alternate your alcoholic drinks with water or a soft drink to help pace yourself
  • Have a bite to eat during the evening - this helps slow down alcohol absorption
  • Avoid rounds - they can encourage you to drink more than you intend
  • Don't make it easy for your drink to be spiked by leaving it unattended and never accept a drink from a stranger.

For a safer night out you should:

  • Keep an eye on your mates and stick together so you can look out for each other
  • Don't flash your cash or mobile phone about when you're out
  • Avoid confrontations and fights
  • Plan your night out - think about how you are going to get home before you go out. Pre-book a licensed taxi or know the times of the last bus or train to get you home.