Sir - The county council boasts proudly of its remarkable achievement in turning much of its administration around and achieving excellent status from the Audit Commission.

First, on announcing this exploit, the authority made 20 pledges: one of these was that it would carry out 15 highway drainage schemes in areas where property is at risk from flooding by March 31, 2008. Please note this date in your diary and return to it on April Fools Day next year! I look forward to reading your intrepid reporters' findings.

Second, the county set itself 13 objectives for the new integrated transport scheme in Abingdon (known as AbITS). Now that the main elements of the scheme are in place, it is time for the county to assess the extent to which the £4.5m it has committed to this scheme have delivered value for money (best value performance to use the jargon of the day). Ask local people to assess the extent to which they feel these objectives have been achieved and publish the results. Accountability should mean just that, for both politicians and officers. Your letters column shows just how much public interest there is in seeing whether the county council's environment and economy directorate has performed in making our roads safer, reducing pollution and improving our environment? If the evaluation is good, the director deserves a pat on the back (he's already had a massive pay rise); if judged wanting, the cabinet needs to assume its responsibilities.

Michael Hocken, Abingdon