Sir - Do other residents of Oxford find the noise from the Oxford ring road unpleasantly intrusive? I, like many Oxford residents, live within a mile of the Oxford ring road (in my case just over half-a-mile from the north east section). Since moving to this location in January I have yet to become accustomed to the roar from this road. The noise is particularly bad at night, because as the atmosphere cools the sound from the traffic bounces off the lower atmosphere and is reflected up to three miles away from the source.

During the day the noise is less obtrusive unless (in my case) there is a north-easterly wind. As well as the noise from this road, there is also the added nuisance of air pollution. In my opinion, therefore, the effects of this road significantly lower the quality of life in Oxford. Could I urge anyone in Oxford who agrees with me that a reduction in the speed limit on the ring road would be highly desirable factor in reducing its impact, and thus raise the quality of life in Oxford, to write to their councillor and MP? If readers would like to sign a petition on this proposal, please contact me at William Barford, Oxford