A DRIVE to boost glass recycling is getting results in Oxfordshire.

A trial initiative with residents of flats in Cherwell district is helping drive the area's recycling rate above its current 45 per cent yearly rate.

Cherwell District Council has issued more than 900 residents with specially-made bottle bags to make it easier to take glass to collection points.

The council has also installed 18 new glass 'mini-banks' at flats in the area.

In three months to the end of July, eight and a half tons of glass were collected from flats in Banbury, Bicester, and Kidlington.

Kieron Mallon, the council's executive member for the environment, said: "Residents have helped make this scheme a big success.

"The glass we have collected is eight and a half tons more material that can be recycled and re-used rather than dumped in landfill tips.

"We are keen to hear from landlords and letting agents who would like us to bring extra glass recycling services to their properties.

"We are planning to extend this initiative and we would urge residents or managing agents to get in touch."

Cherwell District Council is already among the top recycling councils in the country with its overall annual rate of 45 per cent.

Residents with questions about recycling can call 01295 221940 or visit www.cherwell-dc.gov.uk/recycling