Park-and-ride staff in Oxford said the transfer of city council-run sites to Oxfordshire County Council would be a boon to motorists.

However, they have asked for assurances over the terms, conditions and security of their jobs.

As the Oxford Mail reported last month, Oxford City Council wants to transfer its Seacourt, Redbridge and Pear Tree sites to County Hall, believing the highways authority should have total control.

The proposal has been agreed in principle between the leaders of the two authorities, John Goddard and Keith Mitchell.

The good news is that the transfer, which is expected to take place before April next year, would mean the end of the city's controversial park-and-ride charging disparity.

Motorists using Seacourt, Redbridge and Pear Tree currently pay £1 to park, but those using Water Eaton and Thornhill park for free.

It is the county council's intention to waive all fees when it takes control.

However, the bad news - according to the 11 men working at the city council sites - is concern their jobs would be transferred to Control Plus, the private company contracted to run Water Eaton and Thornhill.

Control Plus employs nine men to cover the two sites.

Redbridge security guard Craig Barlow said: "It would be a good thing for motorists but it would mean our jobs would be privatised because the county council's park-and-ride staff work for Control Plus.

"It has caused us a great deal of concern. It just seems Mr Goddard and Mr Mitchell are the only ones that know about this.

"The only reason we got to know anything was because management knew the story was going to appear in the Oxford Mail."

City council-employed park-and-ride staff have endured a torrid year after a battle with management over lone working at the the sites.

In a bid to save cash, the city council ordered security staff to work alone at night at the three sites.

However, park-and-ride staff went on strike to protest at the new working arrangements and the ensuing row split the council with some councillors coming out in support, while others refused to negotiate on the issue.

All are now back at work and working to the new rota.

City council personnel head Sue Shutter said: "The potential transfer of management from city council run park and ride sites to the county council is still in very early discussion stages.

"We have been talking to our staff about the possible plans and we will continue to do so as and when more detailed plans are formalised."