I AM sorry that Mr Younger (Oxford Mail, July 30) feels that I have not answered people's complaints about the new refuse and recycling collections.

He says that the splendid increase in Oxford's recycling rate is nothing to do with our collecting landfill waste every other week, but is all to do with our collecting more recyclables.

In fact, both have contributed to our success. Recently, one Oxford resident said (on a BBC Forum on the subject): "Since the introduction of fortnightly collections I have recycled much more than I ever did. I would have liked to have recycled more before this scheme was introduced but somehow never got round to it... I would not have done this if I could put out as many bags as I wanted each week."

The blunt truth is that we must reduce what we send to landfill. We shall be fined if we do not, and the planet will suffer too from the greenhouse gases emitted.

If anyone has concerns or questions, they should call the council on 01865 252900 or email recycling@oxford.gov.uk, when someone can take details, answer as soon as possible and arrange for a field officer to visit if helpful.

JEAN FOOKS, executive member for a Cleaner City, Oxford City Council