A Sandford-on-Thames pub has reopened after being flooded twice following the recent torrential downpours.

The King's Arms, which is on Sandford Lock, was the only property in the village to be flooded out.

Now landlord Malcolm Monks wants to officially reopen with a charity fun day on Saturday.

The aim is to raise money for the British Red Cross, which has been supporting victims of last month's devastating floods across the country.

Mr Monks said: "It was crazy for a couple of weeks. The whole place was two feet under water and it was not just the River Thames coming through, it was drainage as well which was pretty unpleasant.

"We actually got flooded twice, firstly on the Sunday night. It went down on Tuesday and then it flooded again on Thursday.

"We had sandbags out, but it was coming up through the floor and walls. The car park was three and a half feet deep in water in some places."

Mr Monks, who lives above the pub with his partner, Lisa Mellor, pictured together left, estimated he lost up to £60,000 in trade over the two weeks the pub was forced to close. The full repair bill would be approaching £200,000.

Although most of the work has been done, so far he has only been able to put temporary carpets down to replace those ruined by the waters.

He said: "We are going to do a proper opening party in aid of the Red Cross, with a barbecue, face-painting, stalls and a bouncy castle."