Mourners lined the streets as a 200-car procession drove past the scene of a fatal crash to pay tribute to two young victims.

More than 400 people took part in the drive-past on Sunday before releasing 700 balloons during a one-minute silence in memory of James McCabe, 21, and Adam Davis, 19.

The pair, who were well known for their love of cars and both lived in Bicester, were killed last Monday when their red Peugeot 205 lost control in Middleton Stoney Road.

The tribute was organised by members of the young car enthusiast group Cruise Bicester, who knew the two victims.

Cruise Bicester spokesman Matt Smith, 23, said both victims' families led the 15mph procession from Homebase car park in Launton Road.

He said: "It went really well, there was a great turn-out.

"We blew up around 600 or 700 balloons and put them in two white vans in Homebase car park. We got a few balloons out of the back for the families to hold then they let the balloons go and we had a minute silence.

"It looked really amazing. There must have easily been 400 people there, it was a really, really good turn out.

"There were people lining the roads and another 100 at the crash site."

"We all had our hazard lights on and posters of James and Adam stuck in the back windows of our cars. Everyone was blowing their horns. People had spent ages polishing their cars especially to get them ready. It really did look quite a sight.

"When the balloons went up it really hit everyone. There were a lot of people really upset, cuddling each other and crying."

Mr Smith, from Blenheim Drive, Launton, wanted to thank police for their help.

Mr McCabe, of Hemingway Drive, and Mr Davis, of Oxlip Leyes, both worked at car parts firm First Line Limited, in Bessemer Close.

Sergeant Kerry Clarke, of Bicester Roads Policing, said: "Everything went relatively well especially in light of the numbers involved."

Officers are investigating whether speed was a factor in the crash and seized mobile phone