PLANS to build a steel-framed multi-storey car park in Bicester have been approved by councillors.

Cherwell District Council's planning officers unanimously backed the scheme despite protests from residents.

Pressure on parking space is set to increase during the £70m expansion of the town centre.

Among the conditions suggested at the meeting in Bodicote, officers proposed a mini-roundabout at the junction of Victoria Road and Launton Road, as well as the installation of CCTV cameras to deter troublemakers.

The car park, which will be similar to one at Bicester Village, has been the subject of lengthy discussions between the council and the Highways Agency.

Planning committee chairman David Hughes said: "If there are no appeals for road closures, then the whole scheme may only take a few years to build.

"For the residents who have been there a long time it is important to make it look as nice as it can.

"I wish this scheme well and hope it does not take too long."

Twenty-five residents have signed a petition opposing the plans over fears that the car park would be noisy and ugly, and attract extra traffic.

Victoria Road resident Joan Thorpe, who organised the petition, said: "I am not very happy that the plans have been approved. It's going to be an awful eyesore."

Highways officers said the car park would be a temporary fixture for a maximum of five years.