WET weather is expected to hit Oxfordshire today and tomorrow, but Environment Agency bosses are not predicting a flood risk to residents.

A band of cloud crossing the county was expected to bring 15-25mm of rain during the course of the day.

But that is much less than the 60mm that fell in 48 hours on July 19 and 20, causing flooding in hundreds of homes across Oxfordshire.

John Hammond, a spokesman for the Met Office, said: "The weather will be wet for the next couple of days, but not as wet as it was last month by quite a long chalk.

"Residents and drivers should also be warned that there will be unusually strong winds on Tuesday, with gusts of up to 50mph.

"People need to take precautions if they are out camping, and drivers in high-sided vehicles should also take care."

Mr Hammond said temperatures would not reach beyond 20C today and tomorrow and that warmer weather would not return until nearer the weekend.

A spokesman for the Environment Agency said yesterday there were no Flood Watches or Flood Warnings in place on any parts of the River Thames in Oxfordshire.