A MOTHER says she is living in fear above a flat which has been targeted in a series of mystery attacks.

Fire crews and police were called to Rivermead Road, in Rose Hill, on Friday night to deal with a blaze inside a ground-floor flat.

Ayian Sigal, who lives upstairs with her 11-year-old son Aaron, believes the arson attack is part of an ongoing campaign against a man living beneath her.

Ms Sigal said: "The alarm went off. I ran outside and saw the smoke. I shouted: 'There's a fire' and everyone came out.

"It's not the first fire and they also threw bricks through his window. I feel like I could be next."

Firefighters put out the blaze and scenes of crime officers dusted the area around the door for fingerprints on Friday night.

It is not known why the flat is being attacked.

The front door is now boarded up and we have been unable to contact the man who has been targeted.

Police are investigating Friday's incident, two break-in attempts and a fire on Friday which destroyed the main entrance, a back window, a sofa and a mattress at the same flat.

On Friday, July 27, a mixture of cleaning fluids and tin foil was put inside a microwave in what is thought may have been an attempt to cause an explosion.

Ms Sigal said: "I would describe it as a bomb. They seemed to be trying to cause an explosion, putting chemicals in there.

"It was for him, but I live here and feel the same threat. It's terrifying."

On another occasion, Ms Sigal said she saw a group of teenagers trying to force open the door of the ground-floor flat.

When the man beneath her managed to push against the door to keep it shut, the teenagers fetched a rock, which they threw through one of the flat's windows, she said.

"It must be the same people. I do not understand why they are targeting him," Ms Sigal said.

"I am on edge. I have been here for five months now and this is the last straw for me.

"I have been trying to write a report for Oxford City Council to get me out of here. I cannot put my son's life in danger."

A police spokesman confirmed officers were investigating the incident, an arson attempt on July 27, and two attempted break-ins on July 26 and August 3.