WANTAGE and Grove residents are gearing up for a weekend of music, song and dance.

The White Horse Folk Festival will take place from tomorrow to Sunday.

The weekend kicks off with a singaround, music session and late night session at the Grove Rugby Club.

Saturday and Sunday will see workshops, theme sessions and informal opportunities to meet the artists with festival guests.

At lunchtimes there will be Big Sings in the Bell Public House and music sessions in the rugby club while Saturday night will see a concert in the village hall and a ceilidh in the school hall.

The festival closes on Sunday afternoon after the lunchtime sing.

Artists include Pint and Dale, Jez Lowe, Tony and Pearl O'Neill, Climax Ceilidh Band with Fee Lock and the Icknield Way Morris Men.

Weekend tickets cost £20 for adults, £15 for pensioners and under 16s go free. Camping will be available on Grove recreation field and breakfasts will be available at the rugby club.

More information is available from www.wayaway.co.uk/whff